Monday, August 3, 2009

Just got back from a nice week in SD to visit my folks, and take in some of the great birds that either make SD home, or are migrating through. Raptors, waterfowl and shorebirds, sparrows and songbirds - there was something for everyone. It will take a while to get through everything I took, but thought I would put a few up. The first bird is a Western Kingbird. They set up shop in my folks' backyard, right next to an Eastern Kingbird family. Needless to say it was often loud and active there. Swainson's Hawks were around almost more than the Red tails were. Signs and hay bales were great perch spots. Check out the very light Red tail that we ran into - most of the Red tails were a lighter plumage than I am used to seeing here in MN. It was a little odd to see Cooper's Hawks on the plains - and hanging out in open pastures, or in corn fields, but apparently successful in their environment. The final photo is an American Avocet, one of my favorite shorebirds.

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