Monday, September 9, 2013

More Warblers

Chestnut sided 
The diversity of warblers and other migrants continues!  The difference in fall plumage as opposed to breeding (and hatch year to adult) is why we have so many reference books!

Gray cheeked Thrush

Mourning warbler


Wilson's  warbler

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Northern Parula

 This species is so cool, it gets its own post.  Northern Parula.  Hadn't even seen as many in my lifetime as were in hand at one recent banding session.  Whoot!

Warbler Migration

Bay breasted warbler
 Went out with fellow bander Roger to see what warblers might be making their way south on migration.  2.5 hours of sitting - then one run made it all worthwhile!  Fall warbler plumage is much more muted and indistinct - no need to impress girls or anyone else.  Just need to blend in to survive predators as you move. Nice mix of hatch year and adult birds, too.
Bay breasted.



Black and white warbler. 

Black-throated Green warbler

Black-throated Green warbler.

Black-throated Green warbler

Black-throated Green warbler

Magnolia warbler

Magnolia warbler

Magnolia warbler

Nashville warbler

Nashville warbler

Nashville warbler

Friday, September 6, 2013

American Goldfinches and Cup Plant

Okay, first one is on sunflower seed feeder.  Rest are on cup plant after petals fell off.  Lots of seeds.  Gotta love the photography in the back yard!